Friday, October 13, 2006

Day 12 - 452 hands $1.889
Monthly goal $12.000 @ $8.509

Yesterday was a good session. I played quite a number of hands against good players, but all the time I felt I had an edge so I kept playing.

As soon as I notice a player is good, I give him some respect. Usually I don't get the same treatment. If players notice I play a decent game, they start battling it out against me, trying to win dominance over the table. I think it is stupid wasting energy against the best player at the table instead of focusing on the bad players, but when a good player willingly seeks out my action by reraising and playing back at me, my only choices are to leave the table or to make a stand.

Well yesterday I was faced with this choice multiple times and chose to make a stand. There came a number of difficult decisions out of it, but in the end I managed to end the day a big winner. How profitable the decision to play against other good players is might be questionable. But there is no question that it improves my game a lot, and my confidence if I manage to win.

QQ in the Cut Off: This is the hand from yesterdays session that haunts me the most. My opponent make a good laydown on the turn I think. I can't help but think I got lucky on the turn and missed some value aswell.

Here are my pokertracker stats for the month of October:

I hoped for a larger number of hands played.

I'd like to get my River AF a bit up, but I am very happy about my winrate sofar.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Razboynik

I put up some basic pokertracker stats in todays entry, I'll look into making some graphs at a later date.
