Monday, November 26, 2007

26th of November - Doing good.

Bankroll: ~ $30.000
Monthly goal: $4.000
Monthly win: $4.650
Hands played:

Well it has indeed been some time since my last update. Schoolwork has been heavy lately but I have had time for the odd poker session.

My hand count is pretty low for the month, however I have played a a thousand hands or so at $5/$10 with a good win rate, so I have been able to exceed my goal for the month.

The games have been really good at Party Poker, which is the reason why I took a stab at $5/$10. I didn't get disappointed, there were plenty of fish throwing their money away.

Reaching $5.000 would be great. The Christmas month is always tough on the bank account and I wouldn't mind a paycheck come January. I am in no dire need of money, but most of my money is bound in interest accounts, so a new paycheck would be welcomed.

Schoolwork might get heavy again soon, although I am pretty much up-to-date presently. A few papers are due in December and January, so next month might get dry when it comes to poker.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

November 7th - Keeping focus

Bankroll: ~ $25.000
Monthly win: $750
Hands played:

In between homework and friends I have been able to sneak in two poker sessions this week. The first one went good and left me up about a grand. The second didn't go so well and I lost some of it back.

If I can keep up the current win rate throughout the month, I'll be more than happy.

I have not found poker to be a good pass time after homework. After doing homework I usually end up watching some TV or seek out some friends. School will definitely take its toll on my poker playing. On the other hand I feel that poker has trained me to focus and that helps me a lot in school. I have been playing 4+ tables for a couple of hours each day for the past two years. Suddenly sitting through a 45 minute class, even when boring, isn't an issue. Around me people are yawning and complaining about not getting anything out of lectures, while I just sit there and suck it in with no effort.