Wednesday, July 19, 2006

466 hands $134

I had friends over for burgers today and we played a Sit and Go. Jan V. won it, knocking out all the other 8 players to face Torkil in heads-up with an overwhelming chiplead. Rógvi went out as nr. 3 and I just missed the money as nr. 4.

My sleep pattern has somewhat returned to normal, but I still havn’t found my rythm of pokerplaying again. I take a quick 200 – 300 hands once or twice a day, just to keep up with the Iron Man challenge at Full Tilt. I hope to get everything else straightned out so I can start playing a thousand hands per day again.
I think the online games have been soft lately and the only thing I can blame a days loss on is lack of concentration and emotional instability. Luckily this is still a good month profit wise, but I am starting to doubt my ability to break last months record of $8.500.

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