Saturday, July 29, 2006

281 hands $51

Poker didn't really have anything specail in store today. I am just trying to get to the end of the month, without loosing any of my profits.

Non online poker related content follows:

Today is the first day of a local holiday called Olavsoka. It is similar to mardi gras I imagine and is supposed to last two days. It usually lasts a bit longer, because people don't want to end the party.
Since my dad started to work with addicts, I have taken an oath of sobriety at his workplace, the Blue Cross. At times like this I feel a bit estranged, with my friends partying. I hate drunk people when I am sober and I hate sober people when I am drinking. I havn't had a problem with drinking, I just took the oath to support my dads organization, thus I havn't had a drink for two years.
Most of my friends enjoy drinking now and then and I do want to join them when there is a special occasion, so I have been thinking about resigning from the Blue Cross.

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