Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Day 28 - 591 hands $1296
Monthly goal $10.000 sofar $9.102

Ba - da - bing

What can I say, the lucky day came and I am back in the saddle. I have a big chunk of cash waiting in rakeback that I was planning to cash out at the end of the month, that alone will push me beyond $9.600. So suddenly I have a real shot at the goal again.

I played well today and the $600 game was real good. There was money to be won and I sure got my share. I think if I hadn't pulled in moderate wins these last two days, I would have stuck to the $400 games, but I slowly got my confidence back and today it paid off.

Most of my winnings came from grinding it out, taking advantage of my opponents passive play. Only one pot I dragged in was over $200.

55 in the Cut Off: This was my only big winner for the night. I had a good read on the limper in middle position and the re-raise from the Big Blind was just small enough to price me in, especially since the limper calls infront of me.
On the flop I know I am gonna be called by the middle position player with a wide range of hands and I hope the Big Blind will call me with an overpair aswell.
One funny thing, if you check the chat, the Big Blind says he folds Aces. If that is true he would have drawn out on me and won the pot.

I am not gonna let this one lucky day get to my head. I still have some work to do and I have a maximum of 3 days to make it. I hope I can grind a couple of hundred dollars in these next two days and have some time for packing and getting ready for vacationing on Thursday.

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