Saturday, November 04, 2006

Short break in blogging
On hold for about a week

I need a break from blogging.

Hopefully I can come back with some renewed inspiration and start writing again each day.
Poker just hasn't gone very well these past few days and I don't really feel like writing about it after each loosing session.

I'd rather take a break, than write poorly each day just for the sake of updating on a regular basis.


Anonymous said...

Aye, we all need a break every now and then. I appreciate the effort it takes to write about a loss, especially when you always focus on the worst hands.

Take a break. You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a faroese poker player. You said u were looking for a live cash game in the faroes, and we have written to you about poker several times.........why u don't answer or come play??

By the way nice oct month....!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the invites. Sorry for not answering. I thought it was a standard invite sent to alot of people, so I didn't write back with a "no".

I'd like to join you guys for a cash game, but I don't really feel like playing those kind of stakes without more live game experience.
Perhaps I'll write you back when I feel more comfortable with my live game play and see if a seat is still open.

Anonymous said...

It seems wrong not to write about your bad days in the same voulme as your good days.

I imagine that you could learn a lot from your bad days, and you could share that knowledge with us as well.

I hope that the break is gonna end soon.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments.

I'll do an entry trying to explain why I am on break.