Thursday, September 21, 2006

New goal and a good day at the tables
Monthly Goal $4.000 sofar: $1.750

I have been thinking about moving to Denmark for some time now. If I were to move, my "nut" would be about $2.000.

Nut: The amount of money needed to get by per month.
Since I have only about 10 days of pokerplaying this month and just a laptop with no software to aid me, I think I should set my monthly goal at an attainable level. Twice my possible future "nut" seems like a reasonable number, so $4.000 it is.

Today I had a great two sessions at Full Tilt. I ended the day up about $1.600. So already before setting myself the new goal I am almost halfway there. Nevertheless poker is a game of variance and it could easily have gone the other way.

QQ in the Big Blind: My first big pot since August. I really felt good getting those chips showed in my direction. I also think it is nice seeing my overbet push still gets paid off when I want it too.
I am glad to be playing online poker again.


Anonymous said...

Gott at síggja, at sidan aftur verdur uppdatera. Hetta er ein super sída!! Keep up the good work

Unknown said...


I'll be home in Faroe Islands 1. October. So from then on I plan to make a new goal and make an entry each day.

But while I am in Denmark, some days go by without any pokerplaying or blogging.