Wednesday, March 12, 2008

March 12th - Losing streak

Bankroll: ~ $23.200
Monthly goal: Getting out of this rut
Monthly win: $2.500
Hands played: 9000

These last months are steadily becoming the longest losing streak I have been subjected to. I always feels bad and it certainly affects my daily mood; however, I am surprised by how well I am taking the losing streak. I moan over an expensive weekend or a unexpected deficit on some credit card, while the ebb and flow of my bankroll that dwarfs out any comparison to real life economics hardly touches me in the same way.

This particular month has been a epic one in terms of wins and losses. I started out winning about $8.000 in a few days; soon thereafter my luck plummeted and I reached -$1.000 for the month. I had planned on writing an entry yesterday and at that time, I could have reported a $3.000 win for the month, but again todays session of only 300 hands and just about as many bad beats brought me to a record low for this month.

The tables are very profitable today, so I might give them another shot. If time and will permits I will write some more about this month's battle.


Suga Shane said...


do what i do when i run bad. I will try to move down in limits. or switch my game. if im playing cash and running bad, ill try sng's or tourney play.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the advise.

If the bad run keeps up, I will be moving down to $3/$6. However, I do not think switching games is a good idea; I believe in sticking to a game and getting good at it.