Sunday, February 18, 2007

February 18th - Live SnG's.

Monthly goal: $10.000
I am at $15.330
Change: -$2.491

Yesterday had all the elements of a bad session. Bad beats, cold cards, bad play and some amount of tilt. I was able to pick up a buy-in just before I quit, so I am glad the loss wasn't bigger.

My friends and I played two live Sit and Go's yesterday as well. I played OK and won the first one. In the second a friend of mine Jóannes made a good bluff and I folded my way out of a pot that would have put me comfortably in the lead.

The blinds were at 300/600 and we were down to four players. I had about 8000 in chips, Jóannes had about 7000 and the remaining two players shared the last 6000.

Jóannes makes it 1200 from the Small Blind and I call in the Big Blind with K9o. The flop comes K85 and Jóannes leads out for 1200. I am in a conversation with another player, so I use the time to think about the hand, but I finally make it 2400. Jóannes calls and the turn brings a 3.

Jóannes thinks for a while and goes all in. I think he had about 3500 and I would have a bit under 1000 left if I called and lost. I think about it for a long time and finally table K9o and proclaim how good a fold I am making to his KT. He shows 86o and rakes in the pot that eventually secured him the win.


Unknown said...

You know, when i get vacation. I'm afraid you'll earn about 50% less in Mars.. because you'll not be having time to play poker as much as usually because i'll force you to teach me poker now ! ;)

(Yutani is a irl friend of mine) :)

Unknown said...

Hi Jan

For those of you who have been reading for some time now, I have mentioned Jan a couple of times.

My entry on January 22nd even features a picture :)

I'll be happy to teach you what I can about poker Jan, but I am sure you know it takes more than a tip or two to become a big winner.