Thursday, February 22, 2007

February 22nd - Gaming night break.

Monthly goal: $10.000
I am at $10.530
Change: -$12

I took a break from poker on Tuesday. My friends and I went to Stephens for a night of gaming, so I decided to take a rest after the big loss.

Yesterday I went at it again, but I promptly got sucked out for a buy-in. I spent the rest of the day trying to get back to even and I nearly made it.

A9s in the Cut Off: This was a horrible call on the flop. I forgot it was a CAP game, and didn't know that the raise was basically all-in. So I have no implied odds to call for my draw.


Mike said...

11 outs, getting 2:1 with two cards to come....sounds like a good call to me

Unknown said...

Hi Mike

Right you are. There was a lot of money in that pot.

My odds aren't that great though, if I want to see both cards I still need to call that $65 on the turn.

I did a rough calculation and found I need to win about 36% of the time, for the call to be correct. I am winning about 40% of the time.

It's not good if my pot odds estimate is so far off from the actual pot odds. I remember that I really felt it was a bad call after that hand played out.