Thursday, February 15, 2007

February 15th - How to relax.

Monthly goal: $10.000
I am at $15.337
Change: $99

Yesterday featured some big pots and quite a lot of ups and downs. But in the end I was able to just squeeze in a small win. I am getting good training these days, playing lots of hands. But the amount of work I am putting in is wearing me a bit down as well.

When you work in front of a computer screen, playing a computer game afterwards just doesn't leave you relaxed. All the books I am reading at the moment are about poker, so I can't really find any relaxation there either.
I think I will go to the local theater and watch a movie today, if I can persuade someone to watch "Blood Diamond" with me.

A friend of mine Rolf asked me to feature hands where win big, instead of hands where I loose big, so I'll try to dig up some fancy play of mine of late.

AJo from Under the Gun: This is a hand I played two days ago. It is a bit tough to explain exactly how I make the call. A lot of factors play in, and I don't want to give too much away about my game. I fear explaining how I make the call, reveals a bit too much.

I'll be on the lookout for a better hand to post in the future, where I can explain my play in a bit more detail.

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