Saturday, August 05, 2006

Day 4 - 927 hands $1.529
Monthly goal $10.000 sofar $3.965

Fortune is smiling my way it seems. Three big days in a row don't come by too often, so I am sure to enjoy it while it lasts.
Yet I do feel that I am playing well. It is rare that I am sure that I am making the correct laydowns, or that I am getting the proper value out of my big hands. But when your opponents show their cards, you get comfirmation.

AJo in the Cut Off: One thing I am always afraid of is being too nitty for higher stakes. It is seldome I dare lay down top pair like this, because I am afraid that I would get run over by bluffs if I did. But when my gut says fold I usually go with it. It is a nice feeling when they show their cards, it feels almost as good as winning the hand.

Although I am doing pretty well with the monthly goal, I am not gonna take a couple of good days for a granted win. There still is a long way to go before I am at $10.000, so I'll do my best to grind out my hours at the tables.
I musn't either forget my scheduled day off. I think I have played each day for a long stretch now, so I'll take a rest from poker one of these upcomming days.

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