Day 13 - 473 hands $329
Monthly goal $10.000 sofar $5.165
I reached the halfway point of the monthly goal before schedule. That means I am gonna cash out the planned $5.000 and use the rest of my monthly earnings to increase my bankroll.
I do hope I reach my goal of $10.000, but my past experience tells me that the beginning of the month is where the easy pickings are. People have just gotten money and are more than willing to gamble a chunk of it in hopes of cashing in on a big score. Later on in the month, most people tighten up a bit on their spendings and so do the tables.
The last two days have been mostly spent playing Eve Online. I do log an hour or so at the tables, but far from any time I am happy with. Eve is fun though, so I imagine my poker playing will suffer atleast a week more.
Here is a hand I was quite happy about.
KJ on the Button: I am playing $200 NL because I am not really focused, so I didn't want to open up some $600 tables. The opponent in this hand doubled through me with QQ when I had JJ and the flop came with undercards, but the interesting thing was I overbet pushed that hand aswell. So I knew that he would call my push again if the situation arose where he had a top pair or better hand and I had a lock.
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