Thursday, August 17, 2006

Day 16 - 965 hands -$876
Monthly goal $10.000 sofar $4.522

One bad day and suddenly I am behind my monthly schedule. I made one really bad play today that cost me about $350. Other than that I am not too unhappy with my play for today. I am sure tilt cost me $100 or so, but that is always an issue I have to work on and live with.
I do need to stop doing other stuff while I am playing, atleast at the $600 NL level.

K9 in the Big Blind: Here is the hand I misplayed. I had no reads on the opponent and the game had just gotten to heads-up. I have been meaning to up my aggression heads-up but this is just going over the line. Overbet pushing a hand that completely missed against an unknown player is just poor play. I don't know what I was thinking.

After that play I made some hands and got to being up for the day. Then just before I called it a night a couple of really bad beats took a big chunk out of my monthly goal.

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