November 7th - Keeping focus
Bankroll: ~ $25.000
Monthly win: $750
Hands played: 1300
In between homework and friends I have been able to sneak in two poker sessions this week. The first one went good and left me up about a grand. The second didn't go so well and I lost some of it back.
If I can keep up the current win rate throughout the month, I'll be more than happy.
I have not found poker to be a good pass time after homework. After doing homework I usually end up watching some TV or seek out some friends. School will definitely take its toll on my poker playing. On the other hand I feel that poker has trained me to focus and that helps me a lot in school. I have been playing 4+ tables for a couple of hours each day for the past two years. Suddenly sitting through a 45 minute class, even when boring, isn't an issue. Around me people are yawning and complaining about not getting anything out of lectures, while I just sit there and suck it in with no effort.
hi buddy,
how you doing?
I wish I could make 700$ / week like you.
I can't even break even on bodog.
why are you studying english? your is perfect! I thought it was your mother tongue.
Hi :)
I am doing OK.
My English is unfortunately far from perfect, I wish it was. Correctness does not imply perfection. It is just one of the things that has to be present to achieve perfection.
The reasons for studying English are many. I will not go into them all, but I will gladly list two of my main reasons.
Firstly I want to get on with my life. I was 29 years old and living with my parents, spending most of my time in front of my computer. Studying English in another country is a big step in the right direction, I think.
Secondly I am not to sure about my future in poker. Perhaps I will be able to keep my win rate up and make a nice living for the rest of my life. Yet, with a degree I can be sure of finding a good career that will never be threatened.
glad to hear your doing well and have a plan for life :) good to see you starting out with a month in the green even if its just from a little poker here and there
gl to you in the days that come and always take those moments to enjoy life
Thanks kendori
It does feel good to start out in the green, I hope I will have time this month to enjoy life a little :)
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