Monday, November 26, 2007

26th of November - Doing good.

Bankroll: ~ $30.000
Monthly goal: $4.000
Monthly win: $4.650
Hands played:

Well it has indeed been some time since my last update. Schoolwork has been heavy lately but I have had time for the odd poker session.

My hand count is pretty low for the month, however I have played a a thousand hands or so at $5/$10 with a good win rate, so I have been able to exceed my goal for the month.

The games have been really good at Party Poker, which is the reason why I took a stab at $5/$10. I didn't get disappointed, there were plenty of fish throwing their money away.

Reaching $5.000 would be great. The Christmas month is always tough on the bank account and I wouldn't mind a paycheck come January. I am in no dire need of money, but most of my money is bound in interest accounts, so a new paycheck would be welcomed.

Schoolwork might get heavy again soon, although I am pretty much up-to-date presently. A few papers are due in December and January, so next month might get dry when it comes to poker.


Anonymous said...

you are da man! congratulations for your results.

I wish I was as good as you are, do you teach poker? I could afford to pay 20$/hour, It would be cool to have you as mentor.

see ya


Unknown said...

Hi playhard.

Thanks for the comment and I am very flattered about the offer.

Unfortunately I find too little time for poker these days, with most of my time going to studies. So poker lessons will have to wait until I get more free time on my hands.

Good luck