Sunday, April 08, 2007

April 8th - Regrouping.

Monthly goal: $11.000
I am at -$217
Change: $1.498

I hit a low sometime earlier this week at about -$3.800 for the month. I didn't feel like writing about it at the time, so I postponed blogging for a couple of days. At that time I had dropped around $14.000 in about 2 weeks play.

I have made some changes to my game lately, namely playing more tables, moving up stakes and getting more hands in each day. Because of the recent loss, I decided 2 days ago to take it a bit easy and play my normal game for a while.

Luck has certainly been the main factor in my loss, but I have to consider that stepping it up a level has influenced my game in a negative way as well. There probably isn't one obvious leak I can plug, my luck won't change if I play less tables or if I stick to $5/$10 or if I limit the hands I play each day. The "leak" is more likely a combination of all of the above, some tilt and a very poor run of cards.

So I slowed things down a bit and have been playing good poker since then. I've almost fought my way back to even for the month and I am looking forward to starting the fight to reach $11.000 again.

AA in the Small Blind: I'm still not immune to suck outs, even though I find a good $3/$6 game. The session didn't start out too well and I thought I was in for another couple of buy-ins down the drain.

97s in the Cut Off: But things turned around quickly when I made a suck out of my own.


Anonymous said...

How come you decide to call a 51$ raise with 97s? Do you often do that, because it seems quite wrong according to basic poker theory!?! But I guess everyone likes to gamble every once in a while :)
What does it mean when your "change" is -200(or whatever) and you've made so and so much money?

Unknown said...


I posted the monthly goal update reverse so I got "change" and "I am at" mixed up.

I make loads of mistakes and the example hands I post on my site are often hands where I think I play badly.
I don't think calling a $51 raise with 97s is always a losing play, especially if your in position and you know your opponent, but the hand I featured is not one of those cases.

Anonymous said...

The 97s hand is quite bad imo. I like that you open-raise it, but to play a one-gap'ed SC in a re-raised pot OOP, is almost always a losing play. Most because of the reversed implied (as illustrated so perfectly in this exact hand).

But keep on the good blogging, and I'm amazed that you haven't written anything about your live play on friday. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)
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