Friday, April 20, 2007

April 20th - Another grim update.

Monthly goal: $11.000
I am at -$7.469
Change: -$2.606

Again an abysmal day and another horrid run of cards. My loss comes from two very different sessions I had, one late last night and the other this morning.

I am setting up Eurobet and have been playing there a bit. The games and the software seem fine. I took a session at $600 NL there yesterday and ended in a hectic 3 handed game with a maniac.
He overbet every hand he was involved in and he was involved in most hands. I flopped top pair or better 5 times against him and all the money went in on all the hands. Once he bluffed of a stack, twice he bluffed but sucked out, once I lost a coin flip and lastly he had me out kickered.

Today I decided to play a very solid game and tighten up a bit, just to avoid variance and hopefully grind myself a couple of winning sessions to get my spirits back up. Unfortunately I got hammered again by the deck and ended yet another session down.

A9s in the Big Blind: I am not saying I played flawless either, I made my share of mistakes. This is a good bet by Villain on the river, I should have just folded preflop, on the turn or on the river.

I am having trouble uploading pictures to this site so I'll host my new Eurobet banner in this post.

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