Sunday, March 18, 2007

March 18th - Sometimes the bar eats you.

Monthly goal: $11.000
I am at $1.181
Change: -$4.872

I played a long session yesterday and I am again very happy about my play. Sadly luck can make futile any feats of skill and yesterday luck was not on my side. It is sad to be knocked back almost to zero this late in the month, but I am pleasantly surprised at how little the loss affects me.

I really feel I dominate most of the competition out there, both on $5/$10 and $10/$20 and with the amount of hands I have played lately I am sure I could soar back to break my monthly goal with just a session or two where the cards are on my side.
If I can keep up my current level of play and get in five thousand hands or so each weekend, I am confident that I can double or triple my monthly earnings.

JTs in the Small Blind: Here is the first time that $10/$20 has cowed me. I am sure I would call this river if the hand was played at $5/$10, perhaps I even would have played it differently on the flop or turn.


Anonymous said...

I'm wondering about your posted JTs hand. Is your table image so tight that this guy decides to float you completely (even showing the bluff to try and induce tilt) or was he a maniac?

Unknown said...

I definitely didn't have a tight table image. I don't think there are any parts of my game that players on this level can exploit.

I don't know his motivation for bluffing in this hand, then again players do all kinds of weird stuff.

I can venture a guess and say he picked up on the fact that I didn't have a very strong hand on the turn and went with his read. I should have went with mine.

Why he called the flop I don't know.

Anonymous said...

Pity about the losses, but it is very good news that you are shrugging them off and concentrating on the good aspects of your play.

Keep it up, I'm sure the rewards will come in due course.


Anonymous said...

if you call that river i would like a c/r all in on the turn more.

folding river is fine imo.

Unknown said...

Thanks Celdar

The reason I wanted to call on the river in the JTs hand was because of a read.

It is not any standard thing I do, I just felt he didn't have a pair when he pushed.