Saturday, March 17, 2007

March 17th - Good play but poor results.

Monthly goal: $11.000
I am at $6.053
Change: -$771

I got in almost three thousand hands of clear and focused play yesterday. I played well and didn't have much trouble balancing 6 tables. My first session was on Party and I ended up about $1.500.

After a walk I decided to get in another session. I was playing good and the games were OK, so I thought it would be a waste to end the day early. Unfortunately the deck hit me hard on Full Tilt and I lost back my profits and then some.

I managed to find a good $10/$20 table and I gave it a shot again. I managed to end it with a nice profit. I am glad that the amounts don't bother me that much, for the pots are really enormous. Here is a pot with over $5.200 in the middle. That is more than most people make in a month, before taxes.

AJo in the Big Blind: I thought about the possibility of 22 for a set here, but it really felt like he had two pair so I jammed it in.

Although I am very happy about my play yesterday I didn't play flawlessly. I can always find faults in my game to learn from. Here is a hand I misplayed.

33 on the Button: Once the turn brings the 3rd spade I knew I might very well be up against a flush. In the heat of the moment I thought about not allowing a 4th spade to come for free and also that I would know exactly where I stood with a bet.
Although my bet did accomplish the task of telling me that I am against a flush, the size of the bet left me in a very awkward spot. The correct play here would naturally be to check the turn.

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