February 27th - Suckouts.
Monthly goal: $10.000
I am at $11.232
Change: -$1.587
I made another big suckout in yesterdays session. The good thing about making a big suckout is naturally that you win a lot of money. But making a suckouts isn't all good, because to be able to dish out a bad beat you need to get your money in with the worst hand first.
I don't think I need to get worried, but I don't want to start a trend either. At least not the part about getting my money in with the worst of it.
Here is the hand in question:
AKs in Middle Position: Calling, raising and folding preflop are all options to consider, when faced with a reraise in a situation like this. It all comes down to your opponent and his reraising range.
So it is hard to say specifically if I made a bad move or not.
I felt a push was the right move against this opponent based on his play up to this point, but I have to admit I hadn't seen him play enough hands to be absolutely sure.
I did end the session down, despite the above example. It turned out that karma had plenty in store for me and the deck hit me much worse than it did my opponent in the hand from above.
AA in the Big Blind: This felt bad, and I could list a number of other bad beats from yesterdays session. I guess I shouldn't feel bad about luck going my way once in a while.