November 17th – Taking a day off.
Monthly goal $15.000 @ - $2.776
I haven't played any poker today. Neverwinter Nights 2 is taking it's toll, as I suspected it would. Weekends are by far the best time to earn some money, I just hope I can discipline myself to play enough hands this weekend.
I dug up this hand from yesterdays session:
AA on the Button: I remember the villain bet the turn very fast, as if the turn card hadn't changed anything about the hand. I know some people play sets the way this hand played out, but many people don't limp with 44 or 22 Under the Gun.
I know he would stop and think about the hand on the turn if he had a Jack, especially since the turn is a spade. I guess a flush is possible, but I suspect he would rather just call the flop with a flush and hope to keep the third guy in the hand.
Looking back I can't say I regret folding, but I would like to know what my opponent held.
The month is moving along fast and I am still in the red. Emotionally I have somewhat gotten over my bad run, but I don't want to start pushing myself before I have had a good day or two, at the tables. I can afford to relax a bit, I just hope my game can afford the same luxury.
I think the best play would be push on the flop insted of call. I'm not sure he would call a push.
If he had a worse hand, I would have wanted him to call.
I know that instinctivly we want to push other prople of draws and worse hands, so that a turn or river card doesn't bust us.
But the right play is to bet as much so that we don't give them odds to draw and as big a bet as we think they'll call.
Often by calling the flop raise in a situation like this I can get my opponent to commit himself to the pot on the turn, while being a substantial underdog.
Why not call the turn push? You have to throw in ~$200 to win another ~$600, so basically 1:3 odds? You have the ace of spades for the flush redraw (+2 aces for the nut boat) if he doesn't have a boat. You say yourself that 22 and 44 is unlikely. There is a fair chance he even had KK with the King of spades...
What do you think he had since you folded?
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