Friday, November 24, 2006

November 24th – Poker or friends?
Monthly goal $15.000 @ - $2.769

I have this friend that works on a passenger ship. Every two weeks or so he is out sailing and the other two weeks he is on shore leave. Well he has been here this last week or so and I've been out doing stuff every day. Since I technically don't have a job either, I am up for doing stuff in the middle of the day and out into the night.

I have been able to sneak in some hands of poker since my last post. I've done well in NL Hold 'Em, but I lost my profits back and then some playing PL Omaha.

ATo on the Button: If there is anything I don't wan't with ATo, it's playing a big pot against multiple opponents. When the action is on me I know I want to raise, but I spent a fair amount of time thinking about how much I should make it, although my raise is weirdly small I think it was the right choice.

I am still in a dilemma if I should hang out with my friends this weekend or if I should get some serious poker playing done.

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