Sunday, July 09, 2006

971 hands - $691

I was very tilty today. It doesn't feel good tilting away alot of money, especially when you don't know what is causing it.
Perhaps I try to hard to get a profit out of the weekend, playing tired and unfocused.
The Iron Man Freeroll was today though and I got $120 out of that one, lessening my loss a little.

I also made about $100 playing $0.5/1 PL Omaha, trying to broaden my scope on poker. On occasions I play 7 card stud or Omaha, I'm not good at the High/Low variants, but I try to learn the regular versions when I am not playing well at Hold'em.

That just makes my losses worse, when I think about it. Hold'em cash games resulting in a $900 loss.

ATs in the BB: I don't know if you can ever justify calling here. The players didn't show much strength, but I was just positive one of them had to have a better hand. This fold cost me more than $1000 though, because the pre-flop raiser tried to take a bluff stab at it. I am pretty sure I would have called if the third player hadn't.


GambitMj said...

Reraise this flop

Unknown said...


I usually don't like semi-bluffing draws out of position, but then again I do have top pair aswell here and might very well have the best hand given the action.

Check/Raising it up to $180 or so will leave me with about $200 behind, which is not enough to make a better hand fold on the turn, if they call the check/raise.

Two pair or better will most likely push if I check/raise the flop.

I remember thinking about pushing the turn if one of them bet, but they didn't.

I guess making a min check/raise to about $130, having $250 to push into a $300 pot on the turn would pose a tough call for a hand that has me out kickered.

Also I could push the flop, but personally I don't like that play in this scenario.

Thanks for the input, I didn't really think about playing it diffrently on any other street, I just posted it because of the missed opportunity on the river.