Saturday, July 01, 2006

738 hands $192

I played solely $400 buy-in NL today, about 300 hands at Full Tilt that left me a bit down and 400 hands at Party Poker that balanced it out again.
I caught some friends on Skype and we took a game of Dota or two. It takes time away from poker, I like to get 1000 hands in a day, especially on the weekends. But Dota is fun and I’ve played alot of poker this month.

My biggest winner for the day was this hand. I recently started playing 22’s and 33’s again in position, I was folding them after a couple of bad set vs. set beats. But in position there is no questioning their profitability.

The biggest losing hand today didn’t end in a showdown. I enquired afterwards about his hand, and he told me he flopped a full house with 77’s. It seems plausible with his play, in the heat of the moment though I put him on A7, so I folded.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spurningar til biggest loosing hand.
Hví velur tú bert at calla eftir flop. Her dámar mær betri eitt reraise so tú sleppur burturúr ongamannaland.
Eitt reraise uppá 90$ hevði mær dáma betri. Hevði hann Calla her hevði eg verið sera bangin. Floppið er so vánaligt at hann má hava rakt um hann bert callar!?!
Um hann reraisar má man so hugsa víðari um hann kann hava undir spælt eitt stórt par, um hann er typan at reraisa við nuts ella herjar á við einans hægsta par...