Monthly goal: $11.000
I am at -$5.876
Change: -$3.947
As my results show I am still running bad. I was at -$6.100 yesterday, so at my low point I have been at minus 16 buy ins.
I saw a guy yesterday sit down at a table, flop the nuts or close to it 4 times within 50 hands and win $10.000. People pushed their entire deep stacks into him, sometimes with nothing, over and over and without even knowing if he knew how to play the game or not I saw him get up from the tables a $10.000 winner.
As chance will have it I have never had such a run of cards. I have actually had close to the opposite a couple of times. That is I've flopped the nuts 4 times in 50 hands and lost a fortune.
I can probably count on one hand the times I have sat at a table with 3 buy ins at $5/$10, even though I see people sitting with that big stacks every day that I play. I hope my time will come someday.
What I can learn from this is that poker will most likely be a much more rewarding game for me in the future. I am positive that I have had a much worse than average run in my late poker career than should be expected.
So in turn if my next years play of poker will turn out to be an average run, I can expect it to be a much more fun, rewarding and fair game.
Whatever the case, I have no doubt that I am playing a winning game and the losses do not affect me as much as they used to. They have even started to give me a strong desire to fight back and play more, where I usually lost the drive after a bad session.
Here are my latest two big losers:
AA from Under the Gun
QTs in the Cut Off