Thursday, January 04, 2007

January 4th - A new modest goal

Monthly goal: $7.000
I'm at -$214

Today's session was a poor one. I got my money in as a favorite multiple times, but luck was not on my side today. It is not the start I was hoping for. Just a grim reminder that I need to put in a lot of hours, if I want luck to even out.
I am glad I only played at $200 NL today, a buy-in there is hardly anything to ruin my mood.

I've been thinking about where to set my goal at for this month. Since I need $7.000 to bring my bankroll up to par for $1.000 NL, I figured that would be a good goal. It seems strange to aim less than on previous months, but I am playing less hands at smaller stakes, so $7.000 seems like fair mark to aim for.

I talked to my brother about a hand from todays session and he told me to feature it on my blog.

AKs in the Small Blind: I think a lot of players think that betting this turn is the right play. But I think that checking the turn is the correct play. Not only because my opponent turned out to have me beat, but also to induce a call from hands that I have beat come the river.


Anonymous said...

The AKs hand is way too weakly played. You want money in the pot, as you have the nut-flushdraw and TPTK. It's much more likely that you have him beat, than opposite. He's also a short-stack and most of the times that means that they're calling you down with weaker hands than usual.

/RoiDa (

Unknown said...

I disagree.

I think that more often than not, if all the money ends in the middle on the turn, or on the river if I don't improve my hand. I will find myself beat.

I don't need to build the pot. If I make my flush on the river and my opponent bets, given the size of his remaining stack a raise from me will naturally put him all-in.

Anonymous said...

I would've agreed with you if it wasn't for the flushdraw. Most of the times you WILL have your opponent beaten, and you have to get more value out of the turn. As said, he IS a shortstack and it's very likely that he will call you down with everything from AQ-A9.

How would you play the hand if villain had you covered?

/RoiDa (

Unknown said...

If villain had me covered I'd aim to get the pot up to a size where I could push all-in on the river if I had made my flush.