Day 14 - 616 hands $1.145
Monthly goal $12.000 @ $12.058!
What can I say other than that I am utterly amazed. The month hasn't reached it halfway mark yet and I have made my goal already. I haven't really had time to think what I should do if I reached it this fast. So I can't say more than I don't know what I am gonna do now.
I do feel like I need a break. My birthday is coming up so I might cut a bit down on my playing these next couple of days. I should atleast set my self a 24-hour without-poker break soon.
One thing I do have planned is cashing out some big bucks. I have more than an ample bankroll for the limits I am currently playing, so I should get some of this money invested.
I must say moving up to $5/$10 was easier than I imagined. I have played on a couple of tables I would consider tough for the limit and I still feel like the best player.
Looking forward I don't know when I will dare to sit at a $10/$20 table, but it isn't anything I have planned for this year.
It seems kind of lame to just set myself an even higher mark as a continued goal for this month and aiming for some goal at Omaha or Seven Card Stud won't make for as exiting reading, I think. So what I am left with is aiming for a fixed number of hands to play, or some goal involving NL Hold'Em tournaments.
I am gonna sleep on it and hopefully come up with a wothwhile and interesting second goal for what is left of the month.
1 comment:
Deiligt at síggja at tað gongur so væl hjá tær.. Keep up the good work! :)
Heilsan ein dagligur lesari av blogginum hjá tær!..
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