A long session netted me -$8
Monthly Goal $4.000 sofar: $1.742
I managed to play some poker yesterday. I played alot of hands but finished the day about even.
A break even session is never too disapointing though, after rakeback I should be ahead for the day.
Unfortunatly I don't have pokertracker set up on my laptop, so I can't go through the hands of yesterdays session to see if I might dig up some mistakes or fancy plays.
A friend asked me about the overbet I made in the hand posted in my last entry. I don't know if I have given the whole story about how I came about making it a regular fixture of my game. I sometimes try to copy what great pokerplayers do, to see if I can pull of the same plays. Most players have a move or two unique to themselves that they practice to perfection. Often these moves are hard to copy, because so much depends on reads and the specific situation that it can't be easily made into a formula.
One such player is Phralad Friedman, he is one of the biggest internet winners known by the nicks Mahatma and Spirit Rock. I have watched his game on various sites and also read through some of the hands others have played against him on poker forums. I noticed that he sometimes pushed for a large amount into a relative small pot. The play didn't seem to make alot of sense to me, since you stand to loose alot or win just a little. But it was this exact move that gave alot of the regular forum posters such a headache, they never knew when to call or fold. So since the best online player made such a play there had to be something to it, and I started to use it myself at times I felt it could be profitable.
At first I lost money making the move because I didn't time it correctly, players always called when I pushed on a draw and always folded when I had the nuts. But slowly I turned the tides and now the result is quite the opposite, the mostly fold to my draws and call when I have the nuts. It is all about timing and knowing your opponents.
I am starting to miss my stationary computer. My return ticket is set for 1. of October, but the airline company told me before I left that it might be possible to move it a couple of days. I am gonna give them a call tomorrow, to see if I can book a flight home on the 27. of September.
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