Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The crazy gear

Sometimes I find myself in the small blind raising two limper with a pair of Kings and see the entire table fold down. The cards have just not been very good at this table and I have gotten myself a nitty-tight image. In that spot I sometimes change into my crazy gear for that table only. I'll lower my raising standards drastically and pump up my aggression post-flop, continuation betting and semi-bluffing at a much wilder rate.

Firstly I exploit my image to steal a couple of pots, often in itself netting a good profit. But the crazy gear also throws my opponents offguard, building for profitable situations later.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind before employing this tactic.
Change from one hand to the next, don't loosen it up over time. If you take your time getting used to playing crazy, your opponents get the same amount of time seeing you loosening up.
Keep it up for only a couple of orbits, until you see your opponents catching on. It stops being profitable and starts being unprofitable as soon as they notice the change.
Be aware of the callingstations, don't run of all your money on a three-barrel bluff against a player who has only one button on his Party Poker interface.
Lastly keep in mind that you played crazy for a couple of rounds on that table, if you happen to pick up a great hand later, say if you flop a set. Try to evoke that image of yourself again, perhaps by overbetting the pot or check-raising your opponent.

Anyways poker has been good lately. The month is starting to bring some profit and I feel I am playing well. Hopefully this will not stop me from writing. Although I usually don't feel poetic unless I have been chewing on some bad beat for a while ;)


Anonymous said...

omfg nic3 blog!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the l33t praise.